Mac os how to make tilde
Mac os how to make tilde

mac os how to make tilde

I'm looking at the value of the parts inside the box they're selling. Your head is in the spec sheet, when you need to look beyond that. And not just the shitty LG-branded one Apple sells. I do agree their should be a prosumer standalone 5K display though. The economics are totally different to anything consumers or prosumers can envisage or understand, usually-which is why it's not targeted at prosumers. Even fully specced out at $52k, that's significantly less than the annual salary of the professional who's going to be using the machine, and a rounding error in terms of the financial value that professional can produce with their work, once it's amortized over 2-3 years. This machine is, ironically, the most cost effective choice for a lot of production studios. These are companies that usually depend or have invested significant institutional knowledge in having a macOS-specific workflow, have no time to build products, are after Apple support as an insurance policy, and probably don't want to invest resources in figuring out if the Pro Display XDR can fit into their custom Ryzen build-because let's be honest, that's the primary star of this machine, even if it's not included in the base build.

mac os how to make tilde

Mac os how to make tilde